Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Okay, so it's here, and OH-EM-GEE, everything that you've heard about it is so true.  The Beachbody Insanity Workout by Shaun T. ain't no joke!  Matter of fact, it's a straight up BEAST!!!  Don't believe me? Check out what the back of the box says:

It came with the 10 DVD's, a Fit Test Chart, and a Nutrition Guide. 

Hubby actually played around with a the night before while I was at the Apple Store (another story for another time).  But last night we both did the Fit Test.  The Fit Test is a series of fitness test that should be done every two weeks, in order to keep track of how we're progressing.  So this is how we did:

                                                 Tedra                               Gerald

Switch Kicks:                              52                                     60
Power Jacks:                               31                                     40
Power Knees:                              32                                     60
Power Jumps:                               2                                       6
Globe  Jumps:                              12                                      0
Suicide Jumps:                              3                                       1
Push Up Jacks:                             0                                      10
Low Plank Oblique:                     30                                     50

So that's our starting point.  It was rough, and we were both stretched across the living room floor by the end.  At least it's a start though right?  And after we finished, I made us some delicious green smoothies.

Weight 6/2/2010:  G-Man - 240.6 / Tedra - 209
(Okay, we're still striving to eat a healthier diet, but we're getting there).

Are you doing the Insanity Workout?  We'd love to hear your experiences thus far.  Drop us a line, we need all the motivation we can get. 

p.s.  G-Man told me not to tell, but.... HE ATE ICE CREAM!!!!   Now, i'm not gon' tell nobody else, hehehe...