Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A New Day!!!

So the hubby and I were talking, and we both totally agreed that we needed to lose weight and get healthy!!! We were staring at eleven years of marriage (our anniversary was May 15), and though the love that we have for one another had turned into a more mature kind of love, we both agreed that our bodies shouldn't have to look as "mature." So here's the rub: ever since we met, (we met in jail by the way~that's another story), we've lived our lives in service to other people. Be it for employers, our parents, children, it was never really quite about us. We just somehow lost ourselves in the shuffle of it all. And now, because of our own self neglect, not only have we packed on the pounds, but we've also developed our own onslaught of health problems.
Our Background

In the summer of 2002, G-Man was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, a disease of the blood that left his body frail and weakened for a time. He quietly battled the disease, and because of his perserverance he has been in remission for four years. The remission, however, is hugely dependent on him adopting a healthy lifestyle change. Because he hadn't made the effort towards positive changes, I always thought of it as us tempting fate. Having been by his side while he literally fought for his life, was a huge and defining moment in our marriage. I thought, if we could conquer that mountain, then there was absolutely no reason that we couldn't change our unhealthy habits to healthy ones.

G-Man's Vices: Ice Cream, Popeyes, Works 12 hours a day, but doesn't plan his meals.

G-Man's Goals: To become a Kickboxer (and, an underwear model, hehehe...)

The Mrs:
In late 2008, I learned I was pregnant with our third child. Anyone who knows me, knows that my body doesn't carry babies very well, and while the first two pregnancies were a challenge to me, this last one was a BEAST!!! I suffered from the very beginning to the very end. At some point, I developed Pre-Eclampsia and our baby girl, whom we affectionately nicknamed Fat Buddha, had to be taken 7 weeks early. But even after i'd given birth, my blood pressure just refused to behave. I was prescribed meds to control it, but it was a hit or miss type of thing. Sometimes they'd work, and others times they wouldn't. I've always know that it could be controlled through diet and exercise, but, I still opted to do nothing. Which brings us here today. I'm borderline hypertensive, and I often have this gloomy thought in the back of my mind that at any given moment, I could have a stroke or worse, simply because I refused to do anything about it. But, then I realized, I don't have to live like that! I don't have to live under this cloud of impending doom. Today, is A NEW DAY!!!

The Mrs. Vices: I'm an emotional eater. I often reward myself with food. I work full time and own a small business as well, and often use them as an excuse for not eating healthy.

The Mrs. Goals: To become a runner. I seriously have the spirit of a runner living inside of me, and it's about time!!!

The Plan
Our plan is to do Shaun T's Insanity Workout http://tinyurl.com/29svlev and change what we eat. i.e. lean meats, whole grains, more fruit and veggies, and drink more green shakes and water (I lurvvveeee these!!!). And, we'll do weekly weigh-ins to track our progress.
Last night I ate a Lean Cuisine Meal, while G-Man opted for a Chicken Pot Pie, then for the first time, we worked out as a family to The Firm.

Share with us as we make this epic journey towards a healthier, happier us. We welcome and value your feedback, and hopefully we can inspire you too.

Here are the pics we took last night:  He's 241 lbs, I'm 210 lbs.  My first goal is to lose 10 lbs.